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WooRank Strategy Awards - Winners Revealed!

This year, we at WooRank decided to award some of our most successful and improved customers with our first annual WooRank Strategy Awards.

Those that nominated their websites for the various categories spent a lot of time in 2021 improving and perfecting their digital strategy.

Watch a recap of the awards ceremony!

This awards ceremony originally aired on December 16th

The awards went to....

Highest WooRank Score

West End Gallery has impressed us time and time again with their digital efforts, sitting at a fantastic WooRank score of 89 at the time of broadcast.

Most Improved Core Web Vitals

We've been shouting about CWV for months now, we even have a Core Web Vitals hub that you can use to understand this latest Google update.

Again, we had to give this one to West End Gallery, who used the valuable advice from WooRank webinars to make big changes on their internal pages.

"When CWV came out, our site started at a 67% rating," site owner Matthew Huddon said. "I made changes after watching webinars with [Courtney] and Adam explaining what it all meant. So those tips definitely improved our site. Our overall growth in impressions and clicks has been very noticeable as well."

Most Improved WooRank Score

This award was given to UEES, a higher learning institution in Ecuador. This website started its WooRank journey in early November with score in the mid-60s. The site had a big initial jump to a score of 82 and eventually leveled off in the high 70s. Way to go!

Most Improved Keyword Rank

Moneyadvice.co.uk has some serious keyword ranking improvements this year. Their ranks consistently trend upwards which really stands out in the historical data of individual keywords (watch the webinar above to visualize their progress).

And finally, we have the big winners:

Best Overall Digital Strategy

Small-Medium Business

This award goes to Stokes Fire! In 2021, the digital team adopted a content driven strategy creating articles that solve complex questions on fireplaces and answering them with useful case studies and beautiful imagery.

"We work with architects and designers around the world to bring help explain why every one should put a fireplace in the heart of their home."

SEO Agency
MC2 Marketing took home the top prize this year for the major accomplishments achieved on their client's site, The Social Golfer.

MC2 was able to grow The Social Golfer from 4K unique users a month in April 2020 to 39K UU in August 2021. They also increased thousands of the site's keywords into the top 3 positions, positions 4-10 and positions 11-20. Congratulations!

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